Finally back… and pictures!

Hey everyone! Sorry I have been away for so long!
What has everyone been up to lately? I have still been working hard towards my half-marathon! Just 3 weeks away!
My times have been getting better! And my runs have been getting longer!
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Last Saturday my husband and I ran in a St. Patrick’s Day 10k. It was a lot of fun except that I got cheated out of a mile!! That’s right! I only ran 5.2 miles. The course was not marked very clearly and me and several other people were not directed towards the last mile loop, so instead we hit the finish line and didn’t know where to go! Haha! Oh well. I was disappointed and upset initially, but got over it pretty quickly.

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me before the race

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the hubby before the race

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post race. aren’t we so cute and in love ๐Ÿ™‚

Anyways, I have some exciting news! I have decided that after I finish my classes for this semester, I am going to get my personal trainer certification! I am super excited! After that, I will begin working towards my PTA degree… Physical Therapist Assistant. ๐Ÿ™‚

Well that’s all for now. Tonight my husband and I are going to run in a Pub Run. Basically, runners get together at a local pub and go run (either 2.5 or 4.5 mile route) and then afterwards we get discount pizza and beer! I don’t like beer, but love pizza!

Long runs and advice!

Look what I did yesterday!
That’s kind of a big deal for me!

Today I will do an easy 4 mile run. Tomorrow I will do a 5 mile run and probably 4 or 5 on Wednesday. Then it’s back to work for 3. Boo.

In other news, my half-marathon is coming up soon! 5 weeks and 4 days. I have a 10k on March 16th and a 5k March 30th. There’s also talk in the Willis household ofย the Baltimoreย Marathon in October. But talk’s talk, right? ๐Ÿ˜‰


I am still a new runner and I love to learn how to better myself. Does anyone have any work out, nutrition, recovery or running gear advice? My shoulders/upper back between my shoulder blades get really tight from running sometimes. And sometimes, especially after long runs, my legs will feel real weak like they are going to give out walking down steps, etc. I don’t know if I am not eating enough protein or what. I am trying to lose 10lbs with running, so I don’t want to overdue the eating, but I want to keep my body healthy too. Any advice from you veteran runners out there? ๐Ÿ™‚


Sorry I have been MIA for like a week now! I have been busy with school and work. Ah!! The semester is only HALF over!!! I can do this… I can do this!

Honestly, I would much rather be able to focus my attention on just school and running. Why do I have to work??? Why can’t I just be a full time student, and maybe just work part time??

๐Ÿ˜ฆ Ah… perfect world.

Anyways, yesterday I went to fleet feet and got fitted for new shoes for my half marathon!

I got a matching Iphone holder thingy that latches on my arm
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I went to the store wanting to buy a certain pair of shoes I have seen a lot of people wear. I got my feet checked along with my walking gate, and they brought out shoes that would help me run the best I can. I walk on the outside of my feet, and the shoes I wanted wouldn’t be the best for me. These shoes are designed to help bring my feet back to a neutral position, so I’m not walking/running on the outside of my feet.

About to go to the gym to try out my new shoes and new running capris!
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I am so excited for some upcoming races! Tonight my husband and I are doing a Pub Run. Basically, whoever signs up for it meets at the designated Pub, we go on a run (2.5 or 4.5 miles), and we end back at the Pub and get discount pizza and beer (ew… I hate beer!). Also, March 16th we are running in a 10k race. March 30th we are running in a 5k race (with one of our dogs!), and April 7th is the big day for our first half-marathon!!

Speaking of running with dogs, I would love it if somebody bought me this shirt ๐Ÿ™‚
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Anyways, on to some eats…
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I have been bad with taking pictures of what I have been eating! Ha!

And last but not least…
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What kind of races is everyone going to be running this year?
What kind of shoes do you have?
Have you ever been fitted for shoes designed to help improve your gate/balance?

Beautiful mornings/photo catch up

Good morning everyone! I love that I am now back on day shift at work. I love waking up early, having that firsts cup of coffee, and relaxing while watching Joyce Meyer on television. If you haven’t heart of Joyce Meyer, she is an amazing woman of God who has a true heart of spreading the AMAZINGLY good news of Jesus! I am hooked on her and her books. She has helped my faith to grow leaps and bounds! If you haven’t heard of her, watcher her, or read her books, I HIGHLY recommend you go check her out! Here are some of the notes I took from this morning. ๐Ÿ™‚

God loves us! He loves us so much that we can be FREE from fear. Start thinking about what God says, don’t give a thought to what the enemy says. Renew my mind. Pray to KNOW God. Believe I am the righteousness of God, if I believe it I will start to act it!

What amazing truths! God says when we place our trust in Him, we become the righteousness of God. When we start to believe that (instead of what the devil says when he tries to condemn us with guilt) we will start to LIVE it.

Anyways, as promised, pictures!

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Relaxing with Charlie as my pillow ๐Ÿ™‚

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Blueberry-Banana pancakes! Mmm…

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Kung Poa chicken with lots of veggies and jasmine rice. It was delicious!!

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Post work-out snack ๐Ÿ™‚

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This was so good!! Oatmeal, blueberry, bananas, and honey-almond flax cereal.

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Dog ๐Ÿ™‚ (yep, that’s his name!)

Tired eyes.

One word describes how I feel tonight. Exhausted. Yesterday I ran 5 miles. Today I ran 4 miles. 4 miles in 44 minutes. I have lots of pictures to share, but they will have to wait until tomorrow. I have homework to still finish tonight. And a brownie to eat. ๐Ÿ™‚

Hello blog world!

After 3 days at work, it’s nice to haveย 4 days off! That means lots of training!

Today I did a 50 minute easy run at the gym. It felt SO good!! I noticed yesterday that my calves were REALLY swollen. Anyone have any tips on how to prevent/treat that? I elevated my feet and massaged my calves and they went down this morning. I don’t have chicken legs by any means, but I also don’t have 500lb body builder legs either! (of which my calves resembled!) Has anyone used compression socks?

Anyway, that’s it for now. Time to relax with my hubby and dogs and watch tv on this lazy Sunday. ๐Ÿ™‚




Hey everyone! So, I totally didn’t think to take a picture of EVERYTHING I ate today (which is rare cause I take a picture of the food I eat all the time :)) But I did take a couple photos!

Oatmeal with peanut butter and chocolate chips was for breakfast!

Then I went on a 45 minute run. Ran 3.66 miles. I was trying to keep a 13 min/mile pace, but averaged out more around 12.30 min/mile. My 3rd mile was a 12 min/mile. Oops ๐Ÿ™‚

I then had an apple after my work out on the way home. My husband and I go running outside on some trails when it’s nice out and were both home.

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This is from yesterday, but I had another one of those! (Greek yogurt, frozen fruit, spinach, and apple juice!)

Then I made this for dinner…
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It was SOOOOO good!!

While waiting for that to cook, I snacked on some broccoli with French Onion Dip (yum!)

Then for dessert… gummy worms. I’m such a big kid. ๐Ÿ™‚

Anyways, that’s it for now. I work the next 3 days. Boo! But the good news is, these are my last 3 days on night shift! (I work in an ER). Next week, I can become a normal person again and work day shift! Yay!



Today was day 1 of my training for my first half-marathon! I have been trying to find my “happy pace” and I have found it! Running a 13 minute mile is my happy pace. I can easily hold it. Today I ran 45 minutes, which equaled out to 3.39 miles. Makes me a little nervous about the race coming so soon (It’s only April 7th!), but no worries.. I got this!!!


Post 45 minute run smoothie! Frozen fruit, 100 calorie greek yogurt, apple juice, and spinach! 230 calories and 10 grams of protein!

All blended up!
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Random picture from the other day when I was getting ready to go work out! (I think! haha)
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Any nutrition/training advice from anyone? ๐Ÿ™‚